Garrett, Matthew - Lab 6

Describe the tone pattern you hear (i.e., high or low, how long, etc.)


I can hear one second of a high pitched tone, then a second pause, then a second of medium pitch, then another pause, then a low tone for a second, then a pause. This repeats itself.


Tell a member of the teaching team what your song is (or better yet, play it for us).


It first plays "Absolutely Cuckoo". Then it plays "Baba Yetu", probably the greatest bit of music ever. XD The more I listen to the pre-loaded songs, the more I love the Teaching Teams music tastes...


Does this code play all the songs in all the directories of the SD card? If not, which songs does it play? How does it keep from playing the text file?


It only appears to play mp3 files, not text files. Once again, these songs appear to be kept in one directory.


Change the Song (or Simple_MP3_V2) program to save the current volume setting in your EEPROM, then fetch and set that value during initialization. Note that the first max_num_songs *max_name_len (in this case, 520) bytes of the EEPROM are used to store file names, so don't overwrite those. 




Draw us a quick sketch of what your circuit looks like.


I'm still having difficulty uploading images. It doesn't like me copying and pasting saved images.


What are the pros and cons of using this method?




It gives a better signal.




There is a period of time where the button cannot be read, which means that lots of quick button presses won't all be read.


Part D-3  (-0.5)?

Video (-0.5)?

we will reinstate the 1/2 point if you uploads the video, and sends an email to letting us know of the update.