Final Project

Design your own MP3 Player!

Homework due August 9th: Post the biggest problem you've had to date and how you solved it here.


Presentations during finals August 12th

Documentation due online August13th

(project brief as pdf)


Although you have, at this point, built a basic MP3 player that actually plays MP3s, you can see that you are still a ways away from having a full-fledged working device. Issues such as use scenarios, conceptual models, mechanical skins or housings, and interface designs have yet to be worked out. Your ideas have yet to reach the “proof of concept” phase, where you show that what you envision can be built, much less the degree of validation that comes from “proof through use” where you can assess whether your designs actually function in the arena you intended. The goal of this final project is for you to have a fully functioning and well-designed MP3 player of your own design.


Your project is to design and build a MP3 player to suit a specific application of your choosing. To this end, you have been asked to articulate, through interaction diagrams, interface sketches, and written descriptions, exactly what it is you are proposing to build, and to enumerate what some of the design challenges that you foresee. You should plan on building multiple working iterations of your design to enable increasing levels of refinement towards your point of view, rather than hoping that all the different aspects of the design will miraculously come together just in time for the final presentations.


We will be having in class progress presentations on August 4th; please plan on presenting a functional prototype and a list of what remains to be done on that date.


Final presentations will be in the first floor lobby of Packard, from 7:00-10:00pm, on August 12th. Do think ahead about what you might need (power cords, speakers, a backdrop to set the scenario of use, etc) to quickly convey the merits of your design to passersby!


We will be posting documentation of the projects on here You should set up your own page, and need, at a minimum, to post your design point of view (what are you designing a player for?), your Verplank diagram, photos of your paper prototype, your state diagram, your project code, and a video of the final working player in use.


Evaluation on this project will be based in equal measure on assessment of:


Here are everyone's Final Project pages:

[Insert links to your final project pages here!]


Pranav Rajpurkar:




Abhishek Garg- (Demonstration)

Abhishek Garg- (Explanation)


Scott Bertics - Remote Controlled MP3 Player - EE47 Final Project Scott Bertics - Remote Controlled MP3 Player - EE47 Final Project

The video is embedded in the page linked to above.


Audrey Yeoh - (leads to my wiki page of projects)(Explanation, Documentation, Videos, Pictures... etc.)(there are other projects there as well but some aren't documented or completed)


Richard Zajac - Includes everything at this link.


Jorge Ramirez- My Demo video is in this youtube link: My report is in my Folder. 


Casey Wojcik: 


Jose Ochoa:  


     Video: (hope you're able to play this.  I couldn't figure out how to convert it to anything else)


Daniel Zhang -


Matthew Kim: final project Matthew Kim

Andrew Dupree: Final Project Report


Nyssa Thompson Final Project Thompson