

File history uploaded by Luiz Guilherme Correa Louro 10 years, 8 months ago

 * example sketch to play audio file(s) in a directory, using the VS1053 library
 * for playback and the arduino sd library to read files from a microsd card.
 * pins are setup to work well for Arduino Micro.
 * originally based on frank zhao's player: http://frank.circleofcurrent.com/
 * utilities adapted from previous versions of the functions by matthew seal.
 * (c) 2011, 2012 david sirkin sirkin@cdr.stanford.edu
 *                akil srinivasan akils@stanford.edu
 //Luiz Guilherme Correa Louro
 // Bluettoth MP3 project

#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <VS1053.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>// import the serial library
//#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
//#include <Adafruit_PCD8544.h>

#define max_title_len 60
#define max_name_len  13
#define max_num_songs 40

#define read_buffer  256
//#define mp3_vol      100 //range from 0(louder) to 100(really low)

#define volumeMemoryAddress  max_num_songs * max_name_len

#define sd_cs         17

SoftwareSerial blueSerial(10, 11); // RX, TX

VS1053 myVS(A0, A1, A2, -1);
//Adafruit_PCD8544 display = Adafruit_PCD8544(7, 6, 5, -1 ,4);

int BluetoothData; // the data given from Computer

File sd_file;

unsigned char num_songs = 0, current_song = 0;

char fn[max_name_len];

char title[max_title_len + 1];

enum state { DIR_PLAY, MP3_PLAY, PAUSED , NEXT , PREV};
state current_state = DIR_PLAY;

// set pin numbers:
const int buttonPinUp = A3;     // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int buttonPinDown = A4;     // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int ledPin =  13;      // the number of the LED pin
int buttonStateUp = 0;         // variable for reading the pushbutton status
int buttonStateDown = 0;         // variable for reading the pushbutton status

/*control volume variables*/
byte mp3_volume = 0; //variable to read initial value of volume

//Interrupt part
volatile int state = LOW;

void setup()

  // initialize serial and wait for port to open:
  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
  blueSerial.println("Bluetooth On");
  // declare the ledPin as an OUTPUT:
 // pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);      // sets pin A5 as input 
  // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
  pinMode(buttonPinUp, INPUT);    
  // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
  pinMode(buttonPinDown, INPUT);      
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  attachInterrupt(0, previous, FALLING );
  attachInterrupt(1, next, FALLING );
  attachInterrupt(4, play_pause, FALLING);
  //fetch volume from EEPROM
  mp3_volume = EEPROM.read(volumeMemoryAddress);
  //set volume
  while (num_songs==0) {
    Serial.println("No songs on card");  

void dir_play() {
  if (sd_file) {
  else {
    // since 'sd_file' isn't open, the recently playing song must have ended.
    // increment the index, and open the next song, unless it's the last song
    // in the directory. in that case, just set the state to PAUSED.
    if (current_song < (num_songs - 1)) {
    else {
      current_state = PAUSED;

void mp3_play() {
  unsigned char bytes[read_buffer]; // buffer to read and send to the decoder
  unsigned int bytes_to_read;       // number of bytes read from microsd card

  // first fill the 'bytes' buffer with (up to) 'read_buffer' count of bytes.
  // that happens through the 'sd_file.read()' call, which returns the actual
  // number of bytes that were read (which can be fewer than 'read_buffer' if
  // at the end of the file). then send the retrieved bytes out to be played.
  // 'sd_file.read()' manages the index pointer into the file and knows where
  // to start reading the next batch of bytes. 'Mp3.play()' manages the index
  // pointer into the 'bytes' buffer and knows how to send it to the decoder.

  bytes_to_read = sd_file.read(bytes, read_buffer);
  myVS.playChunk(bytes, bytes_to_read);
 // Serial.println("Playing song");
  // 'bytes_to_read' is only smaller than 'read_buffer' when the song's over.

  if (bytes_to_read < read_buffer) {
    Serial.println("stoping song");
    // if we've been in the MP3_PLAY state, then we want to pause the player.
    if (current_state == MP3_PLAY) {
      current_state == PAUSED;

void previous_song(){
  Serial.println("Changing song ...");

   if (current_song >0) {
      Serial.print("Going to song - ");
    else {
      current_state = DIR_PLAY;

void next_song(){
  Serial.println("Changing song ...");

   if (current_song < (num_songs - 1)) {
      Serial.print("Going to song - ");
    else {
      current_state = MP3_PLAY;

/*interrupt services*/

void play_pause()
  static unsigned long last_interrupt_time = 0;
  unsigned long interrupt_time = millis();
  // If interrupts come faster than 200ms, assume it's a bounce and ignore
  if (interrupt_time - last_interrupt_time > 300) 
    state = !state;
    if (current_state == DIR_PLAY) {
      current_state = PAUSED;
  last_interrupt_time = interrupt_time;

void next()
  static unsigned long last_interrupt_time = 0;
  unsigned long interrupt_time = millis();
  //Serial.print("next interrrupt");
  // If interrupts come faster than 200ms, assume it's a bounce and ignore
  if (interrupt_time - last_interrupt_time > 200) 
    if (current_state == DIR_PLAY || current_state == MP3_PLAY) {
      current_state = NEXT;
  last_interrupt_time = interrupt_time;

void previous(){
  static unsigned long last_interrupt_time = 0;
  unsigned long interrupt_time = millis();
  // If interrupts come faster than 200ms, assume it's a bounce and ignore
  if (interrupt_time - last_interrupt_time > 200) 
    if (current_state == DIR_PLAY || current_state == MP3_PLAY) {
      current_state = PREV;
  last_interrupt_time = interrupt_time;

void  change_volume(){
  // read the state of the pushbutton value:
  buttonStateUp = digitalRead(buttonPinUp);
  buttonStateDown = digitalRead(buttonPinDown);

  // check if the pushbutton is pressed.
  // if it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
  if (buttonStateUp == LOW &&  mp3_volume>1) {     
  else if(buttonStateDown == LOW && mp3_volume<150){


void bluetoothProcessing(){
  unsigned long positionToSeek = sd_file.position();
    if (blueSerial.available()){
     if(BluetoothData=='1'){   // if number 1 pressed ....
       blueSerial.println("Pause music ");
    if (BluetoothData=='2'){// if number 2 pressed ....
       blueSerial.println("Next ");
    if (BluetoothData=='3'){// if number 3 pressed ....
       blueSerial.println("Previous ");
    if (BluetoothData=='4'){// if number 4 pressed ....
         blueSerial.println("Increase Vol ");
    if (BluetoothData=='5'){// if number 5 pressed ....
         blueSerial.println("Decrease Vol ");
    if (BluetoothData=='6'){// if number 6 pressed ....
       blueSerial.println("Seeking ");
       //if(positionToSeek + 300 < sd_file.size() )
       positionToSeek = sd_file.size()/2 ;
  //delay(100);// prepare for next data ...

void loop()
  digitalWrite(ledPin, state);
  //check for volume change
  EEPROM.write(volumeMemoryAddress, mp3_volume);
  switch(current_state) {

    case DIR_PLAY:

    case MP3_PLAY:

    case PAUSED:
    case NEXT:
    case PREV:


 * example sketch to play audio file(s) in a directory, using the VS1053 library
 * for playback and the arduino sd library to read files from a microsd card.
 * pins are setup to work well for Arduino Micro.
 * originally based on frank zhao's player: http://frank.circleofcurrent.com/
 * utilities adapted from previous versions of the functions by matthew seal.
 * (c) 2011, 2012 david sirkin sirkin@cdr.stanford.edu
 *                akil srinivasan akils@stanford.edu

// this utility function reads id3v1 and id3v2 tags, if any are present, from
// mp3 audio files. if no tags are found, just use the title of the file. :-|

void get_title_from_id3tag () {
  unsigned char id3[3];       // pointer to the first 3 characters to read in

  // visit http://www.id3.org/id3v2.3.0 to learn all(!) about the id3v2 spec.
  // move the file pointer to the beginning, and read the first 3 characters.

  sd_file.read(id3, 3);
  // if these first 3 characters are 'ID3', then we have an id3v2 tag. if so,
  // a 'TIT2' (for ver2.3) or 'TT2' (for ver2.2) frame holds the song title.

  if (id3[0] == 'I' && id3[1] == 'D' && id3[2] == '3') {
    unsigned char pb[4];       // pointer to the last 4 characters we read in
    unsigned char c;           // the next 1 character in the file to be read
    // our first task is to find the length of the (whole) id3v2 tag. knowing
    // this means that we can look for 'TIT2' or 'TT2' frames only within the
    // tag's length, rather than the entire file (which can take a while).

    // skip 3 bytes (that we don't use), then read in the last 4 bytes of the
    // header, which contain the tag's length.

    sd_file.read(pb, 3);
    sd_file.read(pb, 4);
    // to combine these 4 bytes together into the single value, we first have
    // to shift each one over to get it into its correct 'digits' position. a
    // quirk of the spec is that bit 7 (the msb) of each byte is set to 0.
    unsigned long v2l = ((unsigned long) pb[0] << (7 * 3)) +
                        ((unsigned long) pb[1] << (7 * 2)) +
                        ((unsigned long) pb[2] << (7 * 1)) + pb[3];
    // we just moved the file pointer 10 bytes into the file, so we reset it.

    while (1) {
      // read in bytes of the file, one by one, so we can check for the tags.
      sd_file.read(&c, 1);

      // keep shifting over previously-read bytes as we read in each new one.
      // that way we keep testing if we've found a 'TIT2' or 'TT2' frame yet.
      pb[0] = pb[1];
      pb[1] = pb[2];
      pb[2] = pb[3];
      pb[3] = c;

      if (pb[0] == 'T' && pb[1] == 'I' && pb[2] == 'T' && pb[3] == '2') {
        // found an id3v2.3 frame! the title's length is in the next 4 bytes.
        sd_file.read(pb, 4);

        // only the last of these bytes is likely needed, as it can represent
        // titles up to 255 characters. but to combine these 4 bytes together
        // into the single value, we first have to shift each one over to get
        // it into its correct 'digits' position. 

        unsigned long tl = ((unsigned long) pb[0] << (8 * 3)) +
                           ((unsigned long) pb[1] << (8 * 2)) +
                           ((unsigned long) pb[2] << (8 * 1)) + pb[3];
        // skip 2 bytes (we don't use), then read in 1 byte of text encoding. 

        sd_file.read(pb, 2);
        sd_file.read(&c, 1);
        // if c=1, the title is in unicode, which uses 2 bytes per character.
        // skip the next 2 bytes (the byte order mark) and decrement tl by 2.
        if (c) {
          sd_file.read(pb, 2);
          tl -= 2;
        // remember that titles are limited to only max_title_len bytes long.
        if (tl > max_title_len) tl = max_title_len;
        // read in tl bytes of the title itself. add an 'end-of-string' byte.

        sd_file.read(title, tl);
        title[tl] = '\0';
      if (pb[1] == 'T' && pb[2] == 'T' && pb[3] == '2') {
        // found an id3v2.2 frame! the title's length is in the next 3 bytes,
        // but we read in 4 then ignore the last, which is the text encoding.
        sd_file.read(pb, 4);
        // shift each byte over to get it into its correct 'digits' position. 
        unsigned long tl = ((unsigned long) pb[0] << (8 * 2)) +
                           ((unsigned long) pb[1] << (8 * 1)) + pb[2];
        // remember that titles are limited to only max_title_len bytes long.

        if (tl > max_title_len) tl = max_title_len;

        // there's no text encoding, so read in tl bytes of the title itself.
        sd_file.read(title, tl);
        title[tl] = '\0';
      if (sd_file.position() == v2l) {
        // we reached the end of the id3v2 tag. use the file name as a title.

        strncpy(title, fn, max_name_len);
  else {
      // there is no id3 tag or the id3 version is not supported.


 * example sketch to play audio file(s) in a directory, using the VS1053 library
 * for playback and the arduino sd library to read files from a microsd card.
 * pins are setup to work well for Arduino Micro.
 * originally based on frank zhao's player: http://frank.circleofcurrent.com/
 * utilities adapted from previous versions of the functions by matthew seal.
 * (c) 2011, 2012 david sirkin sirkin@cdr.stanford.edu
 *                akil srinivasan akils@stanford.edu

// first step, declare the variables used later to represent microsd objects.

File sd_root;                   // the sd partition's root ('/') directory

// check that the microsd card is present, can be initialized and has a valid
// root volume. 'sd_root' is a pointer to the card's root volume object.

void sd_card_setup() {
  pinMode(sd_cs, OUTPUT); //set SS pin as output.
  while (!SD.begin(sd_cs)) {
    Serial.println("Card failed!");
  sd_root = SD.open("/");
  while (!sd_root) {
    Serial.println("Couldn't mount root.");

// for each song file in the current directory, store its file name in eeprom
// for later retrieval. this saves on using program memory for the same task,
// which is helpful as you add more functionality to the program. 

// it also lets users change songs on the microsd card without having to hard
// code file names into the program. ask an instructor if you want to use sub
// directories also.

void sd_dir_setup() {
  num_songs = 0;
  while (num_songs < max_num_songs) {
    // break out of while loop when we check all files (past the last entry).
    File p = sd_root.openNextFile();
    if (!p) break;
    // only store current (not deleted) file entries, and ignore the . and ..
    // directory entries. also ignore any sub-directories.
    if (p.name()[0] == '~' || p.name()[0] == '.' || p.isDirectory()) {
    // to find the position of the '.' that precedes the file name extension,
    // we have to search through the file name (stored as an array of chars).
    // fat16 prefers 8.3 type file names, and the sd library will shorten any
    // names longer than that. so if we have an mp3 or wav file, the '.' will 
    // appear no later than position 8 ('max_name_len'-5) of the file name.
    char i;
    for (i = max_name_len - 5; i > 0; i--) {
      if (p.name()[i] == '.') break;
    // only store mp3 or wav files in eeprom (for now). if you add other file
    // types, you should add their extensions here.
    if ((p.name()[i] == 'M' && p.name()[i+1] == 'P' && p.name()[i+2] == '3') ||
        (p.name()[i] == 'W' && p.name()[i+1] == 'A' && p.name()[i+2] == 'V')) {
      // store each character of the file name (including the terminate-array
      // character '\0' at position 12) into a byte in the eeprom. 
      for (char i = 0; i < max_name_len; i++) {
        EEPROM.write(num_songs * max_name_len + i, p.name()[i]);

// given the numerical index of a particular song to play, go to its location
// in eeprom, retrieve its file name and set the global variable 'fn' to it.
void getSongFilename(int songNum) {
  for (char i = 0; i < max_name_len; i++) {
    fn[i] = EEPROM.read(songNum * max_name_len + i);

void openSongFile(int songNum) {  
  // first, find the file name (that's stored in eeprom) of the current song.
  // then open the file using the name we just found (stored in 'fn' global).
  sd_file = SD.open(fn, FILE_READ);

void song_title_to_display() {
  if (title[0]=='\0') {
   // display.println("File Name:\n");
   // display.print(fn);
  } else {
    //display.println("Song Title:\n");

void song_title_to_cell_display() {
  if (title[0]=='\0') {
    blueSerial.print("File Name:\n");
  } else {
    blueSerial.print("Song Title:\n");

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